Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just a Playdate

I am a SAHM.  If you aren't familiar with that term it stands for Stay At Home Mom.  Being able to stay home with my children is a blessing that I do not take lightly.  This is a calling, not just a crazy idea to cut our income in half.  There is a badge of honor that SAHMs or SAHDs wear but from time to time I feel like I am looked down upon for choosing to follow this calling.  Staying home is my greatest joy.

Today I proved to be the "least at home" SAHM.  As I pulled out of my driveway at 8:20am I knew there would be very little time at home to take care of household duties, I just didn't realize it would be only 90 minutes.  The last child was picked up from school at 3:45pm.  I really thought having kids at school would mean I could come home to eat bon bons and watch Oprah.  Nope, that's not what I do all day.  Geesh, who knew?

Tonight was pizza night and then everyone outside to play ball.  Oh how I love to just hang out with the family.  We had a blast until we couldn't take the biting bugs any longer.  Even though our family is busy, I am so thankful that we know how to take care of each other and make our moments count.

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