Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Little of This A Little of That

 Emma and I raced up the hospital to meet our new little cousin before the big snow storm hit yesterday.  The room was full so we stayed just long enough of Emma to hold Levi for a couple minutes.  I hope everyone else in there got the hint that it was time to go home.  We'll see Kelly, Ryan and Levi soon.  Thank you God for the blessing of a healthy baby and loving parents. 
Olivia and Madison have spent many hours on the soccer field or basketball court sidelines as their big sisters play sports.  Keeping them entertained some days are easier than others, thank goodness for the Nintendo DS and cell phones with games.
Reagan had a good game today until she had a battle with the floor.  My tough girl crashed in the first half and didn't make it back into the game.  Tonight the Heat outscored their opponent by 20 some points.  Great job girls!

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