Monday, September 7, 2009

Going Farm Fresh!

I have been wanting to take the plunge into feeding my family an even more healthy diet. For many years we have avoided sugar and most processed foods and yet we still eat out and special desserts from time to time. One thing that has really bothered me is the meat we consume. My friend Paula turned me onto a book about the handling, processing and raising of the store bought meat. Oh My Gosh! Really, what are we thinking? It's no wonder so many people have cancer and all kinds of maladies.

Today our family took a field trip (literally) to an all natural farm. I am so excited about the raw milk, fresh eggs and meat that has not been tainted by soy, hormones or antibiotics. Free range meat...can't wait to get it. The price is higher but really how can you put a price on healthy eating.

I'll have to add more pics when I get them from my friend Liz.
Liv and Kayla checking out the baby calves.

All 5 kids watching the pigs roll in the mud.

The girls were surprised to see the chickens and turkeys walking all over the farm.

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